virtual, augmented & built realities


As part of the Special Topics in Architecture (UN3312) series of seminars offered in the B+C A undergraduate architecture major, Beom Jun taught Virtual, Augmented & Built Realities in Fall 2019 and Spring 2021. Utilizing various XR tools overlaid onto drawings and physical models, students were asked to develop augmented reality applications that critically examine new ways that architecture can engage with the expanding virtual world. Below are some examples of student projects.

CITY IN THE AIR by Arata Isozaki (Shannon Hu & Julia Lin)

NO STOP CITY by Archizoom (Eli Duncan & John Kershner)

PHILIPS PAVILION by Iannis Xenakis (Anika Tsapatsaris & Carlos Ochoa)

HOUSE OF THE FUTURE by Alison & Peter Smithson (Samantha Yoh & Ze Qui Dong)

SLOW HOUSE by Diller Scofidio (Sophie Sebuh & Emma Lewis)

BLUR BUILDING by DSR (Anna Lang & Rachel Harris)